Monday, May 5, 2008

Iron Butt Rally 2009

I have decided to try and blog this as it happens or unfolds.

On the 15th April I got the email from the IBR saying I had been selected for the 2009 Iron Butt Rally. This is an achievement in itself as there are only about 100 ride spots and thousands apply each time.

I have already started training and will be increasing that in distance on the bike and physical training for myself.

I will be riding my Kawasaki 1400GTR I purchased last July for this purpose in hope of selection.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wish you the best of luck! You've chosen a geat endeavor. Be safe!

I just finished reading the 2007's rally. The new scribe writes a bit differently than Bob Higdon, but he does a very good job. Can't imagine all the work that goes into keeping up-to-date reports everyday of the event, pre-ride and post-ride too.

Hope you're training is going well.
